HOW193 Kidney Inflammation Remedy is a powerful herbal supplement designed to reduce inflammation in the kidneys and promote overall kidney health. This formula features natural botanical ingredients to safely reduce kidney inflammation to restore healthy kidney functioning.
Product Info
Approximately a 1 month supply when used as recommended
Specific symptoms of kidney inflammation are :
- Foamy appearance to urine
- Swelling of any area of the body
- Elevated blood pressure
- Sometimes fever, rash, and generalized aches.
How To Use
- Take 10-15 drops 3-4 times a day in 8 oz of water.
- If you weigh less than 100lbs use half a dose or take as prescribed.
- HelliboreD3+30C
- CantharisD3+30C
- Ars. AlbD3+30C
- Apis MelD3+30C
- Berb VulgD3+30C
- LycopodiumD3+30C